Today was the first of ramadan in the UAE, the first roza. Ramadan usually bring about a lot of changes in the lives of people around here. In a country where its still 39-40 degree celcius, office timing are usually changed to accomodate the people for the month of ramadan. School timings are changed. The vibrant night life of Dubai comes to a complete halt, as sale of liqor and operation of night clubs is stopped by the Dubai Muncipality. So if you are a tourist planning on visiting Dubai it is advisable to not come to Dubai during the month of ramadan.
People usually stay awake all night untill Sehri and then go to sleep and sleep in late. All night there are festival and carnival around town and you can see people spending their nights on the beaches and roadsides. Streets are full of decorative lights. Restuarants are not allowed to operate during the day and people are not allowed to drink, eat or smoke in public out of courtsey to the muslim who are fasting. Overall the general attitude of people becomes much better as the spiritual aspect of ramadan brings in the best in most of us. May allah accept our fasting and prayers and forgive us for our mistakes.
Actually the saddest part is that, the sale of alcohol and liquor continues despite it being a holy month.
In Oman, at least in the month of Ramadan the 5 star hotels would not allow the sale of alcohol, and untill 2 years ago such was the case in AbuDhabi.
But sadly thanks to MORAL DEGRADATION, now 2 years running the HOTELS continue to serve alcohol in their outlets.
I want to know what QAYAMAT will be fall us, if for 1 month alcohol is not available. As for the non muslims, to start with they have their own supply at home, and they are not the ones that whine about the situation. Isnt it a tragedy its our muslim brothers who seem to complain the most.
Last year in the media city, the food outlets were open. People openly consume food, and smoke with no respect or regard for those who are fasting.
Its a narrow minded thing to say, but for once I like the KSA and its attitude.
I guess for me living in a non Muslim country I have a different approach to people eating and drinking in public when I fast.
I don't see why restaurants have to close down, after all Dubai also lives off tourists, and there are many groups who don't fast.
Kaya jaan, don't kill me now ok? lol
There's a big difference between respecting Ramadan and following it Kaya. The GCC states are unique among Muslim countries worldwide in insisting that non-Muslims also have to fast in public. Having said that: Ramadan Kareem!
That is interesting Keefie, because like you said in other Muslim countries such an approach does not exist. In Syria and Pakistan, the years I lived there, you could still find restaurants open and you would not be entirely frowned upon for eating. Especially not in Syria.
Ramadan Kareem to all.
SS: I've lived and worked in Jordan and Lebanon, traveled to Syria but never faced restrictions as imposed upon in the Gulf. Of course, as a sign of respect I refrain from smoking or eating in public during Ramadan.
Kaya: Saudi Arabia has a long way to go. After the afore-mentioned countries, I feel comfortable in Dubai.
With all due respect, Ramadan or Ramzan is not about imposing upon others but rather upon oneself.
Ramzan Mubarak!
Welcome AWOS!
Yeah Jordan and Syria have a very healthy approach I feel to many aspects of religion.
Indeed Ramadan is about challenging ourselves and imposing restrictions upon ourselves.
Okay yeh Keefie and AWOS, fine eating and all that. keep the eateries open.
Yeh but I am talking about the g-string brigade, and booze brigade.
Its insulting to have to put up with that.
Do I really want to go to some supermarket during the day and see a display of cracks?
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