Thursday, September 28, 2006


Guest Post By Abid

I have a question which is not about Ramadan or fasting. It is about our etiquette and rules in Islam.

Every time I visit the mosque, the imam and the others frown on me because I wear two gold rings on my finger.

I like wearing the rings. It is a vanity thing which I find difficult to explain to the imam.

However I would like to know if anybody can give a clear explanation on whether it is permitted to wear rings (made of gold). I did read somewhere that ornaments and amulets that bear images or idols are banned, which is completely acceptable to me. However rings and lockets which carry my initial or my loved ones name or some design – what about them?

Can somebody help me here?

By the way, I am beginning to feel the lack of sleep. Hope it does not affect my work.


Anonymous said...

As far as I know gold is prohibited in Islam but one can wear silver, isn't it? All my colleagues & friends wear silver jewelry i.e. rings while the women wear gold.

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Well Abid it is sad that some imams and some Muslims do not have a welcoming attitude and do not create a welcoming atmosphere for muslims. Rather they like to play judge and make people feel like no matter what they do it will never be enough.

Don't worry about them, God knows you are trying your best and with His help you can do whatever it is you want to do in terms of your religious life.

Gold is for men prohibited in all forms, be it rings or watches or buttons.

Silver is ok and even recommended. The prophet pbuh had a silver ring on his little finger.

At the end of the day, wearing a gold ring will not invalidate your prayer which is the most important aspect, however if you should decide not to wear those rings it should be done for Gods sake and not people.

Once again, it is always up to us to decide what we can do, what we can live with and where we want to go with out spirituality.

Never mind people around you, they will always find something to criticize. If you grow a beard, someone will criticize that it isnt long enough, and if one as a woman wears a headscarf, someone will say it is not big enough.

At the end of the day, it is us and our Lord, and that should be where we place our religious dialogue.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to all that SS said.

Anonymous said...

Gold is not prohibited to Muslims in Islam. The prophet preferred silver for men and relegated gold to women, forever associating it with femininity.

Your comment about vanity is enough reason to not value your rings so highly. I wouldn't worry about the rings as much as I would worry about what the rings mean to you.

Da'ud was reprimanded for praying in the shade of a beautiful tree from which birds sang accompanying him in prayer. This was vanity and it was discouraged.

* said...

SS says what is right.
Yes, gold is prohibted as well as silk but mostly from the point of vanity.
Other than that a man can wear and cotton kurta and have ghuroor (pride).
But anything that makes you vain is frowned upon and you yourself say that the rings are a vanity thing.
The Prophet (PBUH)wore a silver ring with a "marjaan"(coral stone) in it.

Anonymous said...

Buy yourself some nice platinum rings and go on with your bad self ha ha. :) It's actually quite popular right now in America. I bought my husband a platinum wedding band with diamonds and he loves it. (They cost about twice as much as gold though). :) And nice blog you have here, Thanks to Hannah for pointing it out to me!

Anonymous said...

I am posting some Ahadees for your reference.

"Essentially, wearing gold is prohibited for men. `Abdullah ibn `Abbas reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw a gold ring on a man’s hand. He took it off and threw it aside, saying, "Would any of you take a burning coal and hold it in his hand?" When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) had gone away, someone said to the man, "Take your ring and make use of it (i.e., sell it.)" He said, "No, by Allah, I will not take it after the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) has thrown it away.” (Reported by Muslim).

`Abdullah ibn `Amr ibn Al-`Aas reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "If anyone from my ummah wears gold and dies wearing it, Allah will deny him the gold of Paradise. If anyone from my ummah wears silk and dies wearing it, Allah will deny him the silk of Paradise.” (Reported by Imam Ahmad.)

This prohibition applies to men only, not to women, as `Ali, (may Allah be pleased with him), reported that the Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) took a piece of silk in his right hand and a piece of gold in his left, and said: "These are forbidden for the males of my ummah.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said: "Wearing silk and gold is permitted for the women of my ummah and prohibited for the males.”

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Sobia! Welcome to our blog :) I hope you enjoy your stay and feel free to share any pictures or stories you might have of your Ramadan.

Anonymous said...

well akbar bhai is forbidden to men on any account...there is this incident where a man is wearin a ring and comes in front of wich prophet frowns upon n metaphorically refer it to havin burnin coals in ones hand...
but if u give reasons of vanity n stuff...its ur personal choice to hold tht handful of burnin coal....its just tht the imams r remindin u its not if ur faith is weak...and u give reasons to do sumthin wich is prohibited...u ve no justifications to demean the imams or anyone who is rightfully tellin u sumthing...

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

anonymous, welcome. Hope you enjoy yor stay.

An imam is there indeed for times when one needs advice particularly on religious matters.

The Prophet himself did not go around telling people what to do. Giving advice out of love, care and real kind concern is one thing...casting angry looks, being adominishing is not islamic whatsoever and belongs to a new trend of harsh, judgemental islam á la saudi arabia.

Islam of the Prophet pbuh was of the kind that the way he would give advice if he ever did it, was in a way that encouraged, lifted spirits and did not make a person feel like not going back to the mosque.

There's a huge difference here.

Anonymous said...

thnx fer the welcum....but ur truely rong..wht do u mean...if someone comes drunk n stuff to the mosque...which is not allowed in islam...the imam would go and advice him? omg...he would frown...and so wud general incident is from the hadeeth...the one where prophet got angry...obviously...if he saw someone not following the rule..he did tell the person to leave the company unless he stopped doing tht certain thing...whats rong with ur knowledge maam???

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Do you know the story of the man who urinated on the Kaba? Infrontof teh prophet obuh and teh companions?

The companions were ready to physically harm the urinating man, but the prophet pbuh told them, no, sover him and let him finish, then throw water and clean the place up.

Coming in drunk to the mosque and wearing a gold ring is not the same thing.

The prophet never became angry the way many seem to think.

A man asked the prophet what to do in order to get paradise. The prophet pbuh answered "la taghdab". That means; dont become angry.

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

obuh= pbuh (peace be upon him)

Musafir said...

Okay, as things stand I get SS's point that being judgemental is not any mortal's prerogative. So an imam passing remarks or commenting upon a fellow muslim on his behaviour or show of faith would be wrong. At the same time he would be right in his way to point it out to the person that he is deviating from the right path. Accepted.
And also the fact that for some reason still unexplained by any of us, gold ornaments are prohibited for men, or are they?. But silver and other precious metals (here I would include platinum as suggested by sobia. How about precious and semi precious stones then. Nowadays jewellery for men is cutting across borders and religions. Can a muslim not keep his faith and be vain too. He is a mere mortal after all.
Having said all this, I wonder, is islam all that strict. As far as I understood it, a person accepting the five pillars of faith was good enough to be a muslim. To follow the ways of the Muhammed (PBUH) as he did in those days could be considered Sunnat. But are they mandatory. Then wouldn'we be idolising the Prophet? Some food for thought.

Anonymous said...

SS: you're the first person I've come across that writes OBUH instead of PBUH when addressing Prophet Mohammed - peace be upon him.

Why so, what does 'O' signify?

* said...

Aww!! give SS a break AWOS!
We are all running crazy hours.
Sorry to rant on, but in every other aspect when one wants to follow sunnah ( dates, henna in beard,show patience etc etc ) then why not the sunnah of gold being abhorred by the Prophet (PBUH)for men?
The Imam has a duty to correct you, just as it is your duty individually to tell a fellow muslim about eating non halal meat etc. the choice is his to make in the end.
that doesnt mean you jump on every poor sod munching on a Big Mac and point a finger and say haraam haraam.
It means to gently inform friends or family members, about the choice he should make.

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

awos, it was a typo, that's why I wrote obuh=pbuh after the first comment. :)